Monday, July 26, 2010

Available Adults and Rescues

Not everyone wants a puppy and not every home is suitable for one....but would be a perfect environment for an adult.

Adult dogs have so much to offer.

This page is dedicated to helping adult dogs find good loving homes.

The background of the animals featured here will vary. Some will have an unknown background, some will been raised in loving homes now faced with a life change.....whatever the reason all will make great pets and each one deserves the opportunity to find a good loving home.

Please take a moment to view each dog featured here and see if he or she is a good fit for you. I will be asking YOU to tell me why you should be considered as the dogs new home.

The key thing to remember when considering an adult that you understand that all dogs will need time to adjust to a new home. This can take a couple of weeks or even months. They will be confused, lost, stressed and/or depressed. Please be patient!

It is well worth the wait and truly rewarding to see a dog's personality blossom as they learn to feel safe and secure in their new environment.

These dogs are absolutely NOT being offered for breeding!

**NOTE: I am not rescue service, but rather a citizen who sometimes has a dog available that is in need of a new home. I do not go out and find these dogs; some do come to me in the hopes that I will help find them a home and keep them out of the shelter. Some may be retired breeding dogs, others not. The pets offered here may or may not need to be altered and obtain a dental cleaning. This will be the responsilibity of the new family.**